HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO! Man, you’re 20. that is a lot of days you’ve been around. Roughly 7,300 days. I mean, leap-year and all. 7,300 actually doesn’t sound like a lot. Hrm. Well, that aside, you’re older than the Teen Titans, the Ninja Turtles, and just about every other hero I’ve had (Power Rangers). That’s a little scary, but it’s been a fantastic teens with you. And we can still share my teens, I still have a year and a half, little less actually… GAH! This is too much. 20 is old. You’re old. Kids don’t run now, now a young adult and a kid run it. You young adult you. Well happy birthday, and now to the update:

A new game. Not just any game, this one is for you, Purple. It’s called cake run; in it, you run on a cake. Just play and try it out. I threw it together, you’ll have another present coming during our next break, midterms made it tough to get the supplies I needed to make it. Hope you dig the game!

Love, Red