What have I been up to? Well, outside of settling into college, I have been wheeling and dealing on behalf of Penguinbros.com. Let me elaborate:
In this corner… Negotiations have been made with a Scott Harvey, creator of the now defunct Obsidian Realm for the permission to recycle its content into a bigger, better, and badder website (to recap for the 99.9% of Penguinbros.com readers out there – Obsidian is an old computer game for the Mac/PC that I love very much). Now I would be content to simply create the greatest Obsidian website ever known and save the Obsidian community and potentially bring Obsidian back into the gaming mainstream – as it were – through the sheer number of petition signatures I’m planning on gathering, but I like to think outside of the box. So maybe a site about all great games (old school, natch) is in order.
And in this corner… a six foot anthropomorphic dog and a three foot hyperkinetic rabbity thing.

Appropriately coming soon. But sooner than you’d think.