The update was a tiny bit late, I admit. It wasn’t up at midnight today (semantics), but rather at mid-noon. This new one is called ‘Sore Winners’. I guess Blue and Lemon are actually good at Custom Fighter EX.
Hey folks! It’s me, with Monday’s Frosty Village update. This new one, the 64th installment, is called ‘Time Zones’. Get ready for some action and cool fight scenes! Cause they’ll be here in about ten minutes… OHMY! I left the fish in the oven! WHAT WILL THE BOSS THINK OF ME!? MY RAISE!!!!!!
Hey everyone! I’m back. Sorry about that long frosty hiatus, I plan on making it up somehow… though I’m not sure how with my busy schedule. The first week I missed F.V. about 4 weeks ago (I think) coincided with my first week of work. Yes, I got a steady job. I work 9:30-5:30 at MGM doing site design. It pays well, and is worth it, but it also makes me brain dead. I haven’t drawn much since the job started, and I have been creating even less. But what got me to do the comic today wasn’t because I felt like it, because let me tell you, I didn’t. I had an inspirational chat with a certain ‘R Stevens’ from ‘Dumbrella’. We talked about webcomics and the running thereof… And he reviled to me what was under my beak all along. But what was under my beak is also a webcomic secret. But just know it has me updating again. Not just that, but I have a solid schedule as well: Frosty Village is now going to be updated every monday. And every once in awhile, I’ll throw in a second sometime during the week. This new F.V. is called ‘I GOT THE POWAH!’. And it’s not me with the powah, Purple has the powah. The next comic will get back to the main plot-line.
Wow, can you believe that a whole month has gone by? Amazing.
Here’s a deal. Red Penguin and I will be in San Diego for the San Diego Comic Con. We don’t have a booth – this year – but we have a presence anyway. Look for us in these distinctive t-shirts:

If you find us, and mention (so we know you’re not just a crazy person) we’ll offer you a copy of The Finch! That’s right, The Finch! It’s done, and we have a limited amount of copies that we’re offering for free or 25 cents. We’re very proud of the comic, and truly believe it’s worth at least 25 cents. But hey, if you’re not good for it, take it for free. We won’t think any less of you.
Well, that’s it for now. Hopefully we’ll have something more to show post-Con but until that time comes, enjoy yourself.
Things heat up with this new F.V. It’s called ‘In it For the Controllers!’. Sorry about the late update, I wasn’t up fer drawing yesterday. I also want to apologize for not dishing out those two penguins names, I bet you’re all wondering what they are… I’ll update pretty soon so you don’t have to wait a whole week. Hope you enjoy it!